History needs to show what command or job was run
was updated by Alex-SF
Friday Dec 17
ticket - History needs to show what command or job was run was updated by Alex-SF 10:07 AM ticket
- Enhance command toolbar in Resources page was updated by Alex-SF 09:58 AM ticket
- History nodeset success-fail info was updated by Alex-SF 09:58 AM ticket
- Output from subordinate jobs are not properly displayed was updated by Alex-SF 09:57 AM ticket
- Past revisions of a job are retrievable, but clumsy was updated by Alex-SF 09:57 AM ticket
- Job's referenced from via JobRef don't have their statistic's updated was updated by Alex-SF 09:56 AM ticket
- When a command fails on a node, there needs to be more explanation as to why it failed was updated by Alex-SF 09:55 AM ticket
- Define aclpolicy that confines node execution was updated by Alex-SF 08:55 AM ticket
- Define aclpolicy that confines node execution was updated by Alex-SF 08:55 AM ticket