Jobref calls should support overriding node filter params
was updated by Alex-SF
Wednesday Dec 29
ticket - aclpolicy needs to support project context was updated by Alex-SF 05:50 PM ticket
- Remove threadcount was updated by Alex-SF 05:49 PM ticket
- Provide forward/back navigation of events was updated by Alex-SF 05:49 PM ticket
- Jetty should not terminate until all jobs have run was updated by Alex-SF 05:49 PM ticket
- Remove authorization mapped roles from was updated by Alex-SF 05:48 PM ticket
- RESTful API was updated by Alex-SF 05:47 PM ticket
- Rundeck 1.2 was created by Alex-SF 05:46 PM milestone
- Distinguish the server node was created by Alex-SF 10:45 AM ticket
- Run page should defer Node listing an... was created by Alex-SF 10:39 AM ticket