Each "Project" needs to have it's own ssh private key
was updated by Alex-SF
Thursday Jan 06
ticket -
Consolidated output, history and comm...
was created by Alex-SF
Wednesday Jan 05
ticket -
Display a tag summary for the filter ...
was created by Alex-SF
Monday Jan 03
ticket -
Rundeck 1.2
was updated by Alex-SF
Thursday Dec 30
milestone - Run page should defer Node listing and summarize instead was updated by Alex-SF 02:28 PM ticket
- Add project defaulting and remove "All projects" from project chooser was updated by Alex-SF 02:28 PM ticket
- Run page should defer Node listing and summarize instead was updated by Alex-SF 02:28 PM ticket
Rundeck should be package aware
was updated by Alex-SF
Wednesday Dec 29
ticket - Provide pre-flight checklist to jobs was updated by Alex-SF 05:58 PM ticket
- Provide linking of rundeck instances was updated by Alex-SF 05:58 PM ticket