GUI unable to remove all options for a Job was updated by Alex-SF
Saturday Jul 09
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Allow empty ${option.name} and eliminate special case handling in scripts was updated by Alex-SF 01:44 PM ticket
Add resource was updated by Alex-SF 01:43 PM ticket
need REST interface to retrieve execution ouput was updated by Alex-SF 01:33 PM ticket
Job definitions should support an external IDwas updated by Alex-SFFriday Jul 08
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Token auth for API accesswas updated by Alex-SF 03:56 PM ticket -
RunDeck does not warn or prevent saving when options haven't been saved was updated by Alex-SF 03:42 PM ticket
RPM/deb should Configure OpenSSH to use rundeck.id_rsa was updated by Alex-SF 03:41 PM ticket
Editing a node filter and pressing enter should click "Filter" not "Save Filter" was updated by Alex-SF 02:21 PM ticket
Too many open files at startup (on linux)was updated by Alex-SF 02:15 PM ticket