#590 new
Mohamed Kaba


Reported by Mohamed Kaba | August 2nd, 2013 @ 01:24 AM

  • Issue Type: Bug/Feature/Improvement/Documentation (pick one)
  • Rundeck version: (rundeck-1.5.3-1)
  • JDK Version: (openjdk-6-jre_6b27-1.12.6-1_amd64.deb)
  • Server OS: (Debian GNU/Linux 7.1 (n/a))
  • Install type: Deb/Jar/War (If War, include your app server name and version)


(describe your issue here) hi firstly my english wasn't good
i have install rundeck on my server debian but when i try to create de project with the commande rd-projects i got de

########Cannot get nodes from [FileResourceModelSource{file=/var/rundeck/projects/kaba/etc/resources.xml, format=null}]: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /var/rundeck/projects/kaba/etc/resources.xml (Permission denied)#######

i just start to use it.
i want to know again some information like
1) if it is possible to make to execute the external script with rundeck without using the protocol ssh?
2) and how make to create a new node on rundeck ?
3) how make to use the plugin puppet-rundeck (if some one did this experience or have more information about that i need help)

(For Rundeck GUI issues, please include the following:)

  • Client OS: (your OS name, version)
  • Client web browser: (your browser name, version)

Reproduce: (Describe steps to reproduce bug here.)

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